Eli Tovbeyn eli at xpert.com
Thu Mar 14 00:49:05 CST 2002


There are some LDAP options missing in AuthBy LDAP2 configuration that are
vital in many cases. Those options are LDAP version , Reference handling

By default AuthBy LDAP2 uses LDAPv2 and deref=basic, which is incompatible
for example with Microsoft Active Directory, since AD reqieres LDAPv3 for
most configuration. 

The only way I found for now is to directly change AuthLDAP2.pm, which IMHO
not the most elegant way to configure software. Additional options, like
'version', 'deref' and others in config file would be IMHO a better

Best regards,

Eli Tovbeyn                                eli at xpert.com 
Senior Integrator                        www.xpert.com 
Professional Services                  Xpert Systems 

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