(RADIATOR) radiator hanging itself...

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Mar 13 16:38:31 CST 2002

Hello Peter -

When you get the trace 4 please send it to me with a copy of your 
configuration file. I would also like to know what version of Radiator you 
are running and what hardware/software platform you are using.



On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 03:42, peter moody wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having a pretty serious problem with radiator.  every day now for
> the last few days, it seems to hang itself.  The problem, one of the
> problems, is that it doesn't do me the courtesy of actually dying, it
> just stop running.  Ie. it stays in the proc list, and it recieves HUP's
> but it doesn't *do* anything.
> Here's a bit more detail.
> this morning, I came at 7.30, radiator hadn't written to the log file in
> 25 minutes, and I was getting complaints that users were unable to
> authenticate.
> (from logfile, trace 2, times in EST)
> Wed Mar 13 10:04:17 2002: ERR: Attribute number 24 (vendor 2637) is not
> defined in your dictionary
> Wed Mar 13 10:04:29 2002: ERR: Attribute number 24 (vendor 2637) is not
> defined in your dictionary
> Wed Mar 13 10:04:36 2002: ERR: Attribute number 24 (vendor 2637) is not
> defined in your dictionary
> so I HUP'd it.
> Wed Mar 13 10:46:39 2002: NOTICE: SIGHUP received: restarting
> and nothing happened.  So I TERM'd it and restarted.
> Wed Mar 13 10:47:29 2002: WARNING: No Hosts defined for
> Radius::AuthSQLRADIUS at 'conf/radius.cfg' line 56
> and that's it.  now it's working.   I don't have a real way to replicate
> the problem, except I'm pretty sure that when I come into work
> tommorrow, the same thing will have happened.
> here's my setup details:
> running radiator 2.19 on rh 6.2. kern 2.2.19-6 smp
> config file looks something like this (generalized):
> <radius.cfg> /usr/local/radiator/conf/
> |-> <includes.cfg> /usr/local/radiator/conf/
> |
> 	 |-> <realm definitions> /usr/local/radiator/conf/realms/
> config, more specific:
> /usr/local/radiator/conf/radius.cfg:
> DefineGlobalVar mysqlsource dbi:mysql:(dbname)
> DefineGlobalVar mysqluser (username)
> DefineGlobalVar mysqlpass (password)
> #Foreground
> #LogStdout
> LogDir		/usr/local/radiator-1/log/
> LogFile 	/usr/local/radiator-1/log/radius.log
> DbDir		/usr/local/radiator-1/raddb/
> Trace		2
> BindAddress	(ipaddress)
> Include %D/includes.cfg
> -=-=
> /usr/local/radaitor/conf/includes.cfg:
> Include %D/realms/(somerealm)
> Include %D/realms/(somerealm)
> Include %D/realms/(somerealm)
> -=-=
> /usr/local/radiator/conf/realms/(somerealm)
> 	(realm definition)
> -=-=
> let me know what else I can provide (i know, i know, trace 4..I'll do
> what I can, but it means leaving it running on trace 4 all night, and
> it's not exactly a quiet radius server...)
> anyway, thanks for the help.
> btw, when's 3.0 coming out, eta at least?  not the beta, but the full.
> thanks again.
> -peter

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