(RADIATOR) Multiple database failover

Elias elias at tmnet.com.my
Fri Mar 8 02:11:55 CST 2002

Hi Hugh,

I'm trying to get Radiator (we're using 2.18.2) to authenticate against
multiple databases in a failover mode. We have set up our SQL database and
LDAP to sit on different networks. Normally Radiator would authenticate
against the SQL and this works fine. We have 2 SQL databases for
authentication and if the first one fails, Radiator will automatically
switch to the second SQL database. This part works great.

To add a second layer of redundancy, we have LDAP sitting on another
network. When the whole network where the SQL sits fails, we want Radiator
to switch automatically to LDAP. I've tested this setup using radpwtst on
our development machines and it works. The problem is when I copy the exact
config over to our production machines, it doesn't work. When the SQL
network goes down, Radiator does not switch over to LDAP.

Looking at the trace4 logs, I can see that everything is working ok in the
development machine.

Fri Mar  8 10:57:38 2002: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
DBI->connect dbi:Oracle:host=xxx;sid=xxxx: timeout at Radius/SqlDb.pm line
Fri Mar  8 10:57:38 2002: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
Request is ignored. Backing off for 1 se
Fri Mar  8 10:57:41 2002: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
DBI->connect dbi:Oracle:host=yyy;sid=yyy: timeout at Radius/SqlDb.pm line
Fri Mar  8 10:57:41 2002: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
Request is ignored. Backing off for 1 se
Fri Mar  8 10:57:44 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2
Fri Mar  8 10:57:44 2002: DEBUG: Connecting to xxxx
Fri Mar  8 10:57:44 2002: DEBUG: Attempting to bind with cn=zzzzz
Fri Mar  8 10:57:44 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with zzz
Fri Mar  8 10:57:44 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for uid=zzzz

When testing in the production environment, I only get one line in the logs
and Radiator just freezes and will not switch over to LDAP.

Fri Mar  8 11:05:29 2002: ERR: Execute failed for 'select ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD,
reply_attr from SUBSCRIBERS where LOGIN='DEFAULT' and STATUS=1': SQL Timeout

--- Radiator config ---

<AuthBy SQL>

    Identifier SQL_auth
    FailureBackoffTime      1

    DBSource               xxx
    DBUsername          xxx
    DBAuth                  xxx
    Timeout    3

    DBSource               yyy
    DBUsername          yyy
    DBAuth                  yyy
    Timeout    3

    AuthSelect select .............
    AuthColumnDef 0, .......


<AuthBy LDAP2>

    Identifier LDAP_auth
    Timeout  3

    Host                    zzz
    AuthDN              zzz
    AuthPassword     zzz
    BaseDN              .......

    UsernameAttr    uid
    PasswordAttr    userpassword


<Realm >
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore
        AuthBy SQL_auth
        AuthBy LDAP_auth

- Elias -

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