(RADIATOR) Authby SQL checking multi-value attributes

julio.prada at bt.es julio.prada at bt.es
Thu Mar 7 05:27:46 CST 2002

hi all,

I'm using Radiator 2.18.1 with AuthbySQL over MySQL.

I've defined several fields in SUBSCRIBERS table to check them.

I'm interested in checking NAS-Port-Type in a multi-value way, so for

	user1 at domain

will be accepted if its NAS-Port-Type matches 'Sync' or 'Async' values, so
in case this user sends 'ISDN-Sync' nasport-type, he will be rejected.

As a workaround I try to define a column NASPORTTYPE char(200) in
SUBSCRIBERS table in that way:

	NASPORTYPE = "NAS-Port-type = 'Sync',NAS-Port-type = 'Async'"

and in Authby SQL 

	AuthColumnDef N GENERIC, check

but this idea does not work because it only checks first item.

Any workaround about checking multivalue attributes with AuthSQL?


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