(RADIATOR) Trouble with mysql accounting

Jorge Santos jorgesantos at valnetsado.pt
Tue Jun 25 06:02:48 CDT 2002

I´m running Radiator-2.19 and i get errors that bring the service down
when trying to do accounting to a mysql database.
The error is :

Duplicate entry 'vsxxx-Ok-1024878293-20000' for key 1

I've tried to use a more composed primary key but it still happens,
though less often. Should i disable the primary key?

Here is the debug


Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to vsxxx
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Request-Type =
Access-Request, Realm=somerealm should be used to handle th
s request
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
'Request-Type = Access-Request, Realm=somerealm'
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to vsxxx
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG:  Deleting session for vsxxx,
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 20000
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: do query is: delete from RADONLINE
where NASIDENTIFIER='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' and NASPORT=020000
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: INFO: Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, port 389
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=xxx, dc=xxx,
dc=xxx, xxx (server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got vltCiscoReply:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got userPassword:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: ERR: Attribute number 79 is not defined in
your dictionary
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for vsxxx
Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into LOGAUTH (
Time, User, Realm, Client, Password, Result, Timestamp, C
llingStationId, CalledStationId, NASIdentifier, NASPort, NASPortType )
values ( 'Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002', 'vsxxx', '', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',
'xxxxx', 'Ok', '1024878293', '265739322', '', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 020000,
'ISDN-Sync' )
Mon Jun 24 01:24:54 2002: ERR: do failed for 'insert into LOGAUTH (
Time, User, Realm, Client, Password, Result, Timestamp,
CallingStationId, CalledStationId, NASIdentifier, NASPort, NASPortType )
values ( 'Mon Jun 24 01:24:53 2002', 'vsxxx', '', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',
'xxxx', 'Ok', '1024878293', '265739322', '', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 020000,
'ISDN-Sync' )': Duplicate entry 'vsxxx-Ok-1024878293-20000' for key 1
Mon Jun 24 01:24:54 2002: ERR: There is no value named ppp for attribute
Framed-Protocol. Using 0.
Mon Jun 24 01:24:54 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:


Next is my radius config file:



# Loga tudo para a consola
Trace           4

AuthPort        1812
AcctPort        1813

BindAddress     xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx

DictionaryFile  /etc/radius/dictionary.cisco
PidFile         /var/run/radiator.pid
SnmpgetProg     /usr/bin/snmpget

#LogDir         .
#DbDir          .

<Client DEFAULT>
        Secret          xxxxxxx
        DupInterval     0
        DefaultRealm    somereald
        NasType         Cisco
        SNMPCommunity   xxxxx
        RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
        Identifier      NAS-Almada

<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Host            xxx.xxx.xxx
        AuthDN          cn=xxxxx, dc=xxxx, dc=xxxx
        AuthPassword    xxxxxxxx
        BaseDN          ou=xxxx, ou=xxxx, ou=xxxx, dc=xxx, dc=xxxx
        UsernameAttr    uid
        PasswordAttr    userPassword
        ReplyAttr       vltCiscoReply
        AddToReply      Service-Type=Framed,Framed-Protocol=PPP
        Identifier      CheckLDAP
        SearchFilter    (&(vltAccountStatus=1)(uid=%1))

<AuthBy SQL>
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radius:xxxxxx:3306
        DBUsername      rad_accounting
        DBAuth          xxxxxxx
        AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
        AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
        AcctColumnDef   SERVICETYPE,Service-Type
        AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
        AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
        AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
        AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address

        AcctFailedLogFileName %D/missedaccounting
        Identifier      SQLAccounting

<AuthLog SQL>
        Identifier      logger1
        LogSuccess      1
        LogFailure      1
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radius:xx.xxx.xxx:3306
        DBUsername      rad_logauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxx
        Table           LOGAUTH
        SuccessQuery    insert into LOGAUTH ( Time, User, Realm, Client,
Password, Result, Timestamp, CallingStationId, Calle
StationId, NASIdentifier, NASPort, NASPortType ) values ( '%l', '%n',
'%R', '%C', '%P', 'Ok', '%t', '%{Calling-Station-Id}',
%{Called-Station-Id}', '%N', 0%{NAS-Port}, '%{NAS-Port-Type}' )
        FailureQuery    insert into LOGAUTH ( Time, User, Realm, Client,
Password, Result, Timestamp, CallingStationId, Calle
StationId, NASIdentifier, NASPort, NASPortType ) values ( '%l', '%n',
'%R', '%C', '%P', 'Fail', '%t', '%{Calling-Station-Id}'
 '%{Called-Station-Id}', '%N', 0%{NAS-Port}, '%{NAS-Port-Type}' )
</AuthLog SQL>

<Handler Request-Type = Access-Request, Realm=somerealm>
        RewriteUsername         s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        AuthBy                  CheckLDAP
        AuthLog                 logger1

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
        AuthBy          SQLAccounting

<Log FILE>
        Filename        /var/log/%Y-radius.log
        Trace           3

<SessionDatabase SQL>
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radius:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3306
        DBUsername      rad_online
        DBAuth          xxxxxx
        AddQuery        insert into RADONLINE ( USERNAME, REALM,
TIME_STAMP, FRAMEDIPADDRESS ) values ( '%U', '%R', '%{Service-Type}',
'%N', 0%{NAS-Port}, '%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Acct-Ses
ion-Id}', %{Timestamp}, '%{Framed-IP-Address}' )

Can you help me please?

Thanks in advance

   \_/      Jorge Alexandre Santos
   'v'      jorgesantos at valnetsado.pt
  // \\     Tel : 212327300
 /(   )\    Fax : 212327301
  ^`~´^     Valnet Sado S.A. 

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