(RADIATOR) RestartWrapper for DNS server

Bennie Warren bennie at lemoorenet.com
Sat Jun 22 10:44:11 CDT 2002

Great question. I am also curious about this. Using restartWrapper for a few


On 4/22/02 7:54 AM, "Ayotunde Itayemi" <aitayemi at metrong.com> wrote:

> Hi Hugh, Hi all,
> Okay I am being extremely lazy - I haven't even taken a look at the
> restartwrapper code - I know approximately zero perl anyway.
> I am wondering if I could use the restartwrapper for say a BIND 9 DNS server
> running on the same machine as radiator.
> The main question is does restartwrapper support apps written in other
> languages?
> Secondly, am I breaking any software agreements if I decide to use it this
> way?
> Regards,
> Tunde Itayemi
> (Metrong Internet Services)

Bennie Warren     
320 West D Street  
Lemoore, CA  93245 
Phone:  559.924.5909
Fax  559.924.9578  
bennie at lemoorenet.com

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