(RADIATOR) Feature request for AuthBy LDAP2

Jeremy Hinton jgh at visi.net
Thu Jun 20 11:00:22 CDT 2002

	Ask and ye shall recieve. Undocumented parameter i found in
AuthLDAP2.pm - NoBindBeforeOp. If i understand you right, adding that to
your <AuthBy LDAP2> clause should do what you are looking for. I dont know
if its available in LDAP or LDAPSDK.

- jeremy

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Dan Melomedman wrote:

> Also this is laterally related, but why does Radiator bind on every LDAP 
> search while keeping the connection open? Not everyone's configuration needs 
> to bind as a different user for each LDAP search. I wish there was an option 
> to only bind once after connection open, so that LDAP server isn't hammered 
> as much. Thanks. 
> -- 
> It takes a lot of hard work to make something easy.  Then when
> you're done, people look at it and ask, "Oh, it's so simple; what was
> the big deal?" -Ralph Johnson 

// Jeremy Hinton                                            VisiNet
// jgh at visi.net                                         NOC Manager
// I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, 
// and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it. -Elwood P Dowd

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