(RADIATOR) Feature request for AuthBy LDAP2

Jeremy Hinton jgh at visi.net
Thu Jun 20 09:41:23 CDT 2002

	I would like to be able to change the bind dn when using
ServerChecksPassword in AuthBy LDAP2. In digging through AuthLDAP2.pm, it
looks like the DN used for binding in this scenario is automatically the
one returned from the previous LDAP search. We're using Radiator together
with the LDAP server built into the CommuniGate commercial mail server. 
This LDAP server has a special ability to authenticate via multiple
methods, but only if the bind request comes through in a certain format,
specifically as "mail=user at domain" or just "user at domain" as the bind dn. 

	What i would love to see is either a new parameter to AuthBy LDAP2
(say PasswordCheckDN) or the ability to add an argument to the existing
ServerChecksPassword to allow you to use a different format DN for the
connection. The value would nee to support the same expansion as the
BaseDN parameter. So, im my case, i would use something like this:

ServerChecksPassword	mail=%U@%R

If something like this could be considered it would be greatly
appreciated. And many thanks for continuing the hard work on an excellent
peice of software!

- jeremy

// Jeremy Hinton                                            VisiNet
// jgh at visi.net                                         NOC Manager
// I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, 
// and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it. -Elwood P Dowd

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