(RADIATOR) Bug in AuthSQL/AuthEMERALD when handling AcctSqlStatement

Robert G. Fisher rfisher at mail.neocom.net
Wed Jun 19 12:26:16 CDT 2002

    There appears to be a bug in the way that AuthSQL and
thus AuthEMERALD handle the AcctSqlStatement in different
Handler sections.  
    I have two Handler declarations, each with 2 AuthBy
Emerald modules to handle accounting and authentication
requests.  I am only using AcctSqlStatement in the first
AuthBy of the first Handler -- however, this SQL Statement
is being executed irregardles of which handler is called.

   I am not having the same problem with the places that
I am utilizing AddToReply, AddToReplyIfNotExist, or the
AuthEMERALD's TimeBanking flag -- only on AcctSqlStatement
and have tested this on Radiator 2.18.9 and 3.1.

   Below is a copy of my config file to demonstrate:


LogDir		C:\Radiator
DbDir		C:\Radiator

PidFile		%D\radiator.pid
DictionaryFile	%D\dictionary.new

#LogFile		C:\Radiator\debug.log
#Trace 5

AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646

SnmpgetProg	/usr/bin/snmpget

DefineGlobalVar	databaseuser	dbuser
DefineGlobalVar	databasepass	dbpass

# Strip any initial P's which used to serve as a hint for PPP,
# as well as any whitespace or NetBIOS realms and NetSurfer's
# "DISABLED" mess.  Finally, convert any remaining upper case
# letters to lowercase.

RewriteUsername 	s/^P(\S+)/$1/
RewriteUsername		s/\s+//g
RewriteUsername 	s/(.*)\\(.*)/$2/
RewriteUsername 	s/DISABLED(\S+)DISABLED/$1/
RewriteUsername		tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/

        DBSource        	%{GlobalVar:PUBLISHER_DB}
	DBUsername		%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
        DBAuth          	%{GlobalVar:databasepass}
	FailureBackoffTime	300
	Trace			3

        DBSource        	%{GlobalVar:SUBSCRIBER_DB}
	DBUsername		%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
        DBAuth          	%{GlobalVar:databasepass}
	FailureBackoffTime	300
	GetClientQuery		select IPAddress,secret,NULL,NULL,NULL,ServerType,Community,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,Comments from Servers

<Realm	sitestarsat.net>
	<AuthBy RADIUS>
		Secret ISiteSatStar
		AuthPort 1645
		AcctPort 1646		

<Handler Client-Identifier = "QwestRoaming">

	# Strip any REALM information.

	RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

	AuthByPolicy	ContinueAlways

		DBSource        %{GlobalVar:PUBLISHER_DB}
		DBUsername	%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
		DBAuth          %{GlobalVar:databasepass}

		FailureBackoffTime	300

		# Empty AuthSelect turns off authentication.
		# We want to update only Accounting data to
		# the publisher as it uses this for billing.

		AccountingTable	Calls

		AcctColumnDef	UserName,User-Name
		AcctColumnDef	CallDate,Timestamp,integer-date
		AcctColumnDef	AcctStatusType,Acct-Status-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctDelayTime,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctInputOctets,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctSessionId,Acct-Session-Id
		AcctColumnDef	AcctSessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctTerminateCause,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctTerminateCause,Ascend-Disconnect-Cause,integer
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,NAS-Identifier
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,NAS-IP-Address
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,Client-Id
		AcctColumnDef	NASPort,NAS-Port,integer
		AcctColumnDef	UserService,User-Service,integer
		AcctColumnDef	UserService,Service-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	FramedProtocol,Framed-Protocol,integer
		AcctColumnDef	FramedAddress,Framed-Address
		AcctColumnDef	FramedAddress,Framed-IP-Address
		AcctColumnDef	NASPortType,NAS-Port-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	NASPortDNIS,Called-Station-Id
		AcctColumnDef	CallerID,Calling-Station-Id
		AcctColumnDef	ConnectInfo,Connect-Info

		AcctSQLStatement  UPDATE Customer SET TimeLeft = TimeLeft - ( 0%{AcctSessionTime} / 60 ) WHERE TimeLeft is NOT NULL AND BlockUser = 'Y' AND Username = %U


                DBSource        %{GlobalVar:SUBSCRIBER_DB}
		DBUsername	%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
                DBAuth          %{GlobalVar:databasepass}

		# If we can't connect to the local db, let's
		# wait 5 minutes instead of 10.
		FailureBackoffTime	300

		# Empty AccountingTable turns off Accounting.

		# You can use this to force Radiator to limit 
		# maximum session times to how many minutes	
		# are left in subaccounts.timeleft

		# Management wants case-insentive passwords.

		# You can optionally honour the LoginLimit
		# column in the emerald database 
		# or any other column like this:
		# AuthSelect ,sa.LoginLimit
		# AuthColumnDef 0,Simultaneous-Use,check
		# Therefore you can add support for any number
		# of additional columns, if you wish.
		# Note that Platypus fixes LoginLimit at 1, so
		# if you enable this with Platypus, all your
		# users will be forced to a Sumultaneous-Use limit
		# of 1

		# We're going to experiment with adding on the
		# default entries, even if the user has their own
		# set of avpairs.

		# We use AddToReplyIfNotExist to duplicate any measure of 
		# Port-Limit, Session-Timeout, and Idle-TImeout into the
		# Ascend style attributes if they have not been added already.

		AddToReply Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward tcp est",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in drop tcp dstport = 25",\
			Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward"



	# Strip any REALM information
	RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

	AuthByPolicy	ContinueAlways
                DBSource        %{GlobalVar:PUBLISHER_DB}
		DBUsername	%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
                DBAuth          %{GlobalVar:databasepass}

		FailureBackoffTime	300

		# Empty AuthSelect turns off authentication.
		# We want to update only Accounting data to
		# the publisher as it uses this for billing.


		# You can add to or change these if you want.
		AccountingTable	Calls
		AcctColumnDef	UserName,User-Name
		AcctColumnDef	CallDate,Timestamp,integer-date
		AcctColumnDef	AcctStatusType,Acct-Status-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctDelayTime,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctInputOctets,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctSessionId,Acct-Session-Id
		AcctColumnDef	AcctSessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctTerminateCause,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
		AcctColumnDef	AcctTerminateCause,Ascend-Disconnect-Cause,integer
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,NAS-Identifier
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,NAS-IP-Address
		AcctColumnDef	NASIdentifier,Client-Id
		AcctColumnDef	NASPort,NAS-Port,integer
		AcctColumnDef	UserService,User-Service,integer
		AcctColumnDef	UserService,Service-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	FramedProtocol,Framed-Protocol,integer
		AcctColumnDef	FramedAddress,Framed-Address
		AcctColumnDef	FramedAddress,Framed-IP-Address
		AcctColumnDef	NASPortType,NAS-Port-Type,integer
		AcctColumnDef	NASPortDNIS,Called-Station-Id
		AcctColumnDef	CallerID,Calling-Station-Id
		AcctColumnDef	ConnectInfo,Connect-Info


                DBSource        %{GlobalVar:SUBSCRIBER_DB}
		DBUsername	%{GlobalVar:databaseuser}
                DBAuth          %{GlobalVar:databasepass}

		FailureBackoffTime	300

		# Empty AccountingTable turns off Accounting.


		# Management wants case-insentive passwords.


		# You can optionally honour the LoginLimit column in the emerald database 
		# or any other column like this:
		# AuthSelect ,sa.LoginLimit
		# AuthColumnDef 0,Simultaneous-Use,check
		# We're going to experiment with adding on the	default entries, 
		# even if the user has their own set of avpairs.


		# We use AddToReplyIfNotExist to duplicate any measure of 
		# Port-Limit, Session-Timeout, and Idle-TImeout into the
		# Ascend style attributes if they have not been added already.

		AddToReplyIfNotExist Ascend-Maximum-Channels=%{Reply:Port-Limit}, \
			Ascend-Maximum-Time=%{Reply:Session-Timeout}, \


Robert G. Fisher                  Sitestar.net, Inc. 
System Engineer                   (276) 666-9533 x 116
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