(RADIATOR) not starting from inetd

Shon Stephens sstephens at corp.goamerica.net
Mon Jun 17 13:23:26 CDT 2002

i am using radiator 3.1 on a solaris 8 system. i have edited the
/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files to include the appropriate entries.

however, when a radius request is made to the system, it just times out.
inetd does not start radius. i have run this from inetd in the past (v2
radiator) and not had any problems. here is my inetd.conf line:

radius  dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/local/bin/radiusd
-config_file=/usr/local/radius/radius/conf/radius.conf -foreground 

i did also remember to kill -HUP the inetd process. 

any ideas? thanks,
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