(RADIATOR) UDP Checksum on CVX

Levent Sarikaya levent at de.colt.net
Thu Jun 13 04:46:27 CDT 2002

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 10:17, Lisa Goulet wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have implemented L2TP tunneling with a mix of Cisco and Nortel CVX NASes.
> It seems the CVXes enable "UDP checksum".  This results in extra CPU
are you sure? how  do you "see" it?
i know that the cvx has a bug in l2tp, you can test via dialin.
try to dialin (l2tp) try some ping, varying your packet size, the
resolution is an acl-allow for the lns-ip


Levent Sarikaya
IP Network Services SA
Dial      mailto:dialmaster at de.colt.net
Technical mailto:levent at de.colt.net
General   mailto:levent.sarikaya at colt.de   

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