(RADIATOR) Users Blacklists

wilco heinneman wilco.heinneman at zoranet.nl
Thu Jun 13 02:45:21 CDT 2002

Hi *,

Also close, but not quite there ;-)

All of this are only my thoughts, but you Hugh are the expert.

In the select statement of Hugh, you should forget about the quotes 
around "REJECT":

    AuthSelect select REJECT from BLACKLIST \
                where USERNAME='%n'

or do it like Rolando and leave the quotes:

    AuthSelect select "REJECT: This user is on the BLACKLIST" from \
               BLACKLIST where USERNAME='%n'

Then you need only one column in the table BLACKLIST:


If all of this is right, I could make a check I need:

AuthSelect select "REJECT: You should choose channel one" from \
            RADONLINE_CHANNEL1 where count(*) < 10

This should do the following :
You cannot get Authorized on other Channels if the amount of users on 
Channel 1 is less then 10.

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Rolando -
> You are close, but not quite there.
> Here is what to do:
> # Check-Users file
> # ENTRADA default para chequear la tabla BLACKLIST
> DEFAULT         Auth-Type = VE_blacklist
> DEFAULT	Auth-Type = Accept
> Your BLACKLIST SQL table should contain this:
> someuser	Auth-Type = "Reject: This user is on the BLACKLIST"
> anotheruser	Auth-Type = "Reject: This user is on the BLACKLIST"
> Here is a snippet of my radius.cfg
> ----------------------
> <AuthBy SQL>
>         Identifier VE_blacklist
>         DBSource        ......
>         DBUsername    ......
>         DBAuth          ......
>         AuthSelect select "REJECT" from BLACKLIST \
>                    where USERNAME='%n'
>         AuthColumnDef 0, GENERIC, check
>         AccountingTable
> </AuthBy>

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards

Wilco Heinneman
Technisch Directeur
Zoranet internet diensten b.v.

Hanzelaan 288a
8017 JJ  Zwolle

Tel: +31 (0) 38 4559560
Fax: +31 (0) 38 4551402

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