(RADIATOR) Users Blacklists

Rolando Riley rriley at ayayai.com
Wed Jun 12 13:52:09 CDT 2002

Hi Hugh:

	Well this time I want to configure a users blacklist and what I want to do
is simple:
	1) Everytime I have a request this list (BLACKLIST) will be checked. If the
user is found the request is Rejected.
            NO further queries should be performed after the user is
	2) If the  user isn't found then the authentication should be done against
LDAP uid and userPassword attributes.

	I have searched the mailing lists and have found something very similar
that was done against "calling stations id".  For some reason the user,
although it is being found on the BLACKLIST, radiator continue the searching
and auth process over LDAP.  What could I have been doing wrong?

Here is the output of Check-Users file
# ENTRADA default para chequear la tabla BLACKLIST

DEFAULT		Auth-Type = VE_blacklist

Here is a snippet of my radius.cfg


<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier VE_blacklist
        DBSource        ......
        DBUsername    ......
        DBAuth          ......
	AuthSelect select "REJECT" from BLACKLIST \
		   where USERNAME='%n'

<AuthBy FILE>
   Identifier CheckUSERS
   Filename 	%D/Check-Users
#   NoDefaultIfFound

<AuthBy LDAP2>
		Identifier	CheckLDAP
                Host            ......
                AuthDN          ......
                AuthPassword   ......
                BaseDN          ......
                UsernameAttr    uid
                PasswordAttr    userPassword

	UsernameCharset a-zA-Z0-9\._ at -
	MaxSessions 1
	RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
	AuthByPolicy	ContinueWhileAccept
	AuthBy CheckUSERS
	AuthBy CheckLDAP
	AcctLogFileName %L/detailu


Here is a trace debug 4 of a test:

Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select NASIDENTIFIER, NASPORT,
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE: CheckUSERS
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: VE_blacklist
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select "REJECT" from BLACKLIST
where USERNAME='rriley'
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with rriley
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: Bad Password
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select "REJECT" from BLACKLIST
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE REJECT: Bad Password
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: CheckLDAP
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: INFO: Connecting to XX.XX.XX.XX, port 389
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with (admin dn)
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for (my dn)
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got userPassword: xxxxxxxxxxx
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for rriley
Wed Jun 12 04:57:24 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32768 ....
Code:       Access-Accept
Identifier: 99
Authentic:  1234567890123456


Ing. Rolando Riley
Gerente de Sistemas
Tel: (507) 265-2424 ext. 408

Ayayai.com Ultra, tu Internet prepago LIBRE DE PUBLICIDAD

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