(RADIATOR) Patch for TACACSPLUS authentication

Jean-Claude Christophe jch at oleane.net
Wed Jul 17 17:34:53 CDT 2002

Hi all,

Here is a patch for the AuthTACACSPLUS package (attached to this mail).
Before, the authentication type was selected according to the version of
the package (except CHAP).
I added a keyword in order to force the authentication type. Here is an
example of a radiator config file:

<Handler Realm=HOSTING.ALL, NAS-Port-Type=Async>
        RewriteUsername         s/\@HOSTING\.ALL$//
        AuthByPolicy            ContinueUntilAccept 
        <AuthBy DBFILE>
                Filename        %D/files/users-hosting
                AddToReply      Service-Type = Administrative-User
        <AuthBy TACACSPLUS>
                Key             topsecret
                AuthType        ASCII
                Timeout 3       
                AddToReply \    
                        Service-Type = Administrative-User, \
                        cisco-avpair = "rtelnet:*=*"


Customer are authenticated using the DB file, and all technical staff
can also be authenticated (for support) by using their usual
login/pass on the tacacsplus server.

Jean-Claude Christophe / jch at oleane.net
-------------- next part --------------
*** Radius/AuthTACACSPLUS.pm.old	Thu Jul 18 00:03:44 2002
--- Radius/AuthTACACSPLUS.pm	Thu Jul 18 00:04:17 2002
*** 6,13 ****
  # with an AuthType of TACACSPLUS is found in the config file
  # This module can check an TACACSPLUS user password, but cant do any
! # check or reply items. Cant handle CHAP, only PAP
! # Accounting packets ar ignored.
  # Author: Mike McCauley (mikem at open.com.au)
  # Copyright (C) 1997 Open System Consultants
--- 6,13 ----
  # with an AuthType of TACACSPLUS is found in the config file
  # This module can check an TACACSPLUS user password, but cant do any
! # check or reply items. It can handle CHAP, PAP or ASCII authentication
! # type. Accounting packets are ignored.
  # Author: Mike McCauley (mikem at open.com.au)
  # Copyright (C) 1997 Open System Consultants
*** 20,29 ****
  use strict;
  %Radius::AuthTACACSPLUS::ConfigKeywords = 
!     ('Host'    => 'string',
!      'Key'     => 'string',
!      'Port'    => 'string',
!      'Timeout' => 'integer'
--- 20,30 ----
  use strict;
  %Radius::AuthTACACSPLUS::ConfigKeywords = 
!     ('AuthType' => 'string',
!      'Host'     => 'string',
!      'Key'      => 'string',
!      'Port'     => 'string',
!      'Timeout'  => 'integer'
*** 90,97 ****
      if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request')
  	my $tac = new Authen::TacacsPlus(Host=>$self->{Host},
! 					  Key=>$self->{Key},
! 					  Timeout=>$self->{Timeout},
  	if (!$tac)
--- 91,98 ----
      if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request')
  	my $tac = new Authen::TacacsPlus(Host=>$self->{Host},
! 					 Key=>$self->{Key},
! 					 Timeout=>$self->{Timeout},
  	if (!$tac)
*** 103,109 ****
  	$user_name =~ s/@[^@]*$//
  	    if $self->{UsernameMatchesWithoutRealm};
! 	my ($tac_result, $result, $reason, $attr, $submitted_pw);
  	# See if they want to do it by CHAP
  	if (defined ($attr = $p->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::CHAP_PASSWORD)))
--- 104,110 ----
  	$user_name =~ s/@[^@]*$//
  	    if $self->{UsernameMatchesWithoutRealm};
! 	my ($tac_result, $result, $reason, $attr, $submitted_pw, $authtype);
  	# See if they want to do it by CHAP
  	if (defined ($attr = $p->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::CHAP_PASSWORD)))
*** 141,156 ****
  	    # The submitted password is encoded plaintext,
! 	    # decode it to get th eplaintext back
  	    $submitted_pw = $p->decodedPassword();
  	    # Version 0.16 and better can handle PAP, else take the
! 	    # old version defauilt, which is ASCII
  	    $tac_result = $tac->authen
! 		($user_name, 
! 		 $submitted_pw,
! 	     $Authen::TacacsPlus::VERSION > 0.15 
! 		   ? &Authen::TacacsPlus::TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_PAP 
! 		   : undef);
  	if ($tac_result)
--- 142,184 ----
  	    # The submitted password is encoded plaintext,
! 	    # decode it to get the plaintext back
  	    $submitted_pw = $p->decodedPassword();
  	    # Version 0.16 and better can handle PAP, else take the
! 	    # old version default, which is ASCII
! 	    # The authentication type can be override with 'AuthType'
! 	    # to prevent Radiator choosing the type from the version of
! 	    # the TacacsPlus package.
! 	    if (defined($self->{AuthType}))
! 	    {
! 		if ($self->{AuthType} =~ /PAP/i)
! 		{
! 		    $authtype = &Authen::TacacsPlus::TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_PAP;
! 		}
! 		elsif ($self->{AuthType} =~ /ASCII/i)
! 		{
! 		    $authtype = &Authen::TacacsPlus::TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_ASCII;
! 		}
! 		elsif ($self->{AuthType} =~ /CHAP/i)
! 		{
! 		    $self->log($main::LOG_ERR, "There is no CHAP challenge in the request.");
! 		}
! 		else
! 		{
! 		    $self->log($main::LOG_ERR, "Unknown TacacsPlus authentication type. Remove it and let Radiator guess it.");
! 		}
! 	    }
! 	    if (!defined($authtype))
! 	    {
! 		# $authtype is undefined or incorrect -> try to guess it
! 		$authtype = $Authen::TacacsPlus::VERSION > 0.15
! 	 	  ? &Authen::TacacsPlus::TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_PAP 
! 		  : &Authen::TacacsPlus::TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_ASCII;
! 	    }
  	    $tac_result = $tac->authen
! 	      ($user_name,
! 	      $submitted_pw,
! 	      $authtype);
  	if ($tac_result)

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