(RADIATOR) Simultaneous Request handling

Chris Myers c.myers at its.uq.edu.au
Wed Jul 10 22:06:44 CDT 2002


I'm wondering if Radiator can handle simultaneous requests 
without forking, in the same way that squid does. (i.e.
one process - no multithreading).  I know that it has been
mentioned before on the list that the best way to do this
was with multithreading but perl multithreading is non-
production.  Can this be done with a select loop?

My problem is that if a request starts to block for an
unexpected amount of time I would like to be able to 
handle other incoming requests.  Naturally loadbalancing
can minimize this problem but it does not solve it.

+            Chris Myers ~ c.myers at its.uq.edu.au 
. Information Technology Services - Software Infrastructure
. Ph: +61 7 3365 4017 - Mobile: 0413-009-482 - Room: 42-412
. The Prentice Building - The University of Queensland 4072
+ PGP Public key available @ http://www.uq.edu.au/~uqcmyers
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