(RADIATOR) MySQL corruption

Nick Rogness nick at rogness.net
Wed Jan 30 16:29:15 CST 2002

It appears after every modification performed by Radiator to a MySQL DB, 
corrupts the tables (RADONLINE and ACCOUNTING).  How do I resolve
this without running a cron job to repair it every X minutes.  Run a
different DB like postgreSQL

Using AuthBy SQL (for Accounting) and SessionDB's (for RADONLINE).

Perl DBI version is 1.20
Perl DBD-mysql version is 2.1004
perl version is v5.6.1 built for i386-freebsd
Radiator Version is 2.18.4

All on FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE.

Nick Rogness <nick at rogness.net>
 - Don't mind me...I'm just sniffing your packets

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