(RADIATOR) Look Correct?

Steve Katen skaten at o1.com
Tue Jan 22 11:47:35 CST 2002


Does this look correct?  I am attempting to send accounting information to 
a postgres database and I am receiving conection errors.  However, when I 
connect with the postgres client it works just fine.  I can also write a 
short perl script that works fine.  The problem seems to only occur when I 
try to connect from radiator, and it is a Connection Refused error.

         <AuthBy SQL>
                 # Specify the SQL database to connect to
                 DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius:host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
                 DBUsername    username
                 DBAuth	     password

                 # no authentication


                 AccountingTable ACCOUNTING_$DNIS
                 AcctColumnDef timestamp,timestamp
                 AcctColumnDef user_name,User-Name
                 AcctColumnDef framed_ip_address,Framed-IP-Address
                 AcctColumnDef framed_protocol, Framed-Protocol
                 AcctColumnDef nas_ip_address,NAS-IP-Address
                 AcctColumnDef acct_session_id,Acct-Session-Id
                 AcctColumnDef acct_session_time,Acct-Session-Time
                 AcctColumnDef acct_input_octets,Acct-Input-Octets
                 AcctColumnDef acct_output_octets,Acct-Output-Octets
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_disconnect_cause,Ascend-Disconnect-Cause
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_connect_progress,Ascend-Connect-Progress
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_xmit_rate,Ascend-Xmit-Rate
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_data_rate,Ascend-Data-Rate
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_modem_portno,Ascend-Modem-Portno
                 AcctColumnDef ascend_modem_slotno,Ascend-Modem-Slotno
                 AcctColumnDef calling_station_id,Calling-Station-Id
                 AcctColumnDef called_station_id,Called-Station-Id
                 AcctColumnDef nas_port,NAS-Port

                 AcctFailedLogFileName /var/log/radius/missed_acct_%Y%m%d.log

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