(RADIATOR) Getting an IP address for a user

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jan 16 18:27:14 CST 2002

Hello Matthew -

You should use an SQL session database together with the radwho.cgi (and 
radacct.cgi) scripts included in the Radiator distribution.

Have a look at sections 6.7 and 12.0 in the Radiator 2.19 reference manual 



On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:27, mhobbs wrote:
> Hi
> I using Radiator with Platypus using Auth by Emerald.
> On a Linux box using DBI:Sybase
> I would like to know if I have a IP address of a dial user.
> If I can query radiusd or Platypus to find the username of the user using
> that IP address at that time ?
> ie I have ip address so then I can find out that username
> "test" is using it.
> Is this information stored anywhere if so where or otherwise what do I need
> to do to set this up so that I can access this info?
> Thanks for any help
> Matthew
> Speedlink

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