cybersushi at planet.nl cybersushi at planet.nl
Wed Jan 9 13:06:59 CST 2002


We've been having trouble with postgresql as our database for radiator/radmin. So we've decided to switch to mysql. I'm wondering if there are some mysql guru's out there who can give me some good tips to optimize the database tables. We've set up indexes on all the tables/columns that are seached   allot during authentication and ip allocation, especially on all the columns that are used in the seach criteria of the queries.
We've been noticing the following: it seems that allocation of ip addresses out of the database is slowest and has the biggest impact on the performance. If we do 250 iterations with radpwtst with a user that has a static address (so the radpool table is NOT queried) the time it takes to do the authentications and accounting is 3 times faster!
(there are about 25000 recods in the radpool table).
Any tips on how to optimize this would be great. Also any tips on setting the runtime params of the mysqld (like key buffer, table cache etc) would be nice.

Are there any of you using IBM DB2 as the backend. What experiences do you have in terms of performence/redundancy etc.



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