(RADIATOR) AuthBy SQL and Passwords ..

Zebaulon Kansal zebaulon at hypnos.nocarrier.nu
Sun Jan 6 18:58:44 CST 2002


	Most likely. :)  *Hits self upside head with large UNIX manual.*

	Sadly enough, I *did* search/look through the documentation in
search of such, wondering WHY ON EARTH there was one for User-Name but
not Password.  Guess it was a bit too late in the evening to be trying
to figure that out.  But yep, that's what I needed.  Thanks :)

Unless the network is lying to me again, Robert Blayzor said:
> > 	So I got the bright idea to add a "AND PASS='%{Password}'" to
> > the AuthSelect line.  But the query ends up AND PASS='' 
> > (nothing is put
> > in there.)  So, obviously RADIUS either 1) can't pass it like 
> > that or 2)
> > can but I'm doing it wrong.
> Perhaps you want "AND PASS='%P'"   ???
> --
> Robert Blayzor, BOFH
> rblayzor at inoc.net
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