(RADIATOR) re config file

buck lane linux at si4u.net
Tue Feb 26 17:13:48 CST 2002

hey all, i am trying to use radpwtst to test to see if i can 
authenticate, i am authenticating to a ms sql DB on win2k.  i have 
unixODBC with the FreeTDS OOB.  i can access the database through the 
isql test.  when i try to use radpwtst i get no reply from the server. 
here is an example of my config file

LogDir        /var/log/radius
DbDir        /etc/radiator
# Use a low trace level in production systems. Increase
# it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag to radiusd
Trace     5   

# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with

#NAS list
<Client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
    Identifier usa1
    Secret secret
<Client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
    Identifier usa2
    Secret secret
<Client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
    Identifier dci1
    Secret secret   
<Client xx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
    Identifier dci2
    Secret secret

<AuthBy SQL>
    DBSource dbi:ODBC:dsn_in_unixODBC
    DBUsername root
    DBAuth password  
    AuthSelect select password from AUTHDB where username='%n' and 

any comments or help would be great, thanks,

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