(RADIATOR) Would anyone have an answer to this problem

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Feb 25 19:25:18 CST 2002

Hello Mick -

It sounds like you have either not installed the DBI/DBD modules correctly, 
or the DBSource line that you show in your configuration is incorrect.

There are descriptions for various databases in section 23 of the Radiator 
2.19 reference manual ("doc/ref.html" in the distribution). You should also 
check the documentation for the DBD module you are using.



On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 01:28, Michael Saunders wrote:
> Code: Access-Request
> Identifier: 61
> Authentic: 1234567890123456
> Attributes:
> User-Name = "michaelbooby"
> Service-Type = Framed-User
> NAS-IP-Address =
> NAS-Port = 1234
> Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
> Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
> NAS-Port-Type = Async
> User-Password = "<148><226><<197><206>9h<246><188>8<9><160><216>}x<153>"
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:16 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler should be used to handle
> this request
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:16 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler ''
> Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at
> Radius/SqlDb.pm line 136.
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:16 2002: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
> DBI->connect dbi:Proxy:hostname=2
>;port=9991;dsn=dbi:ODBC:MSSQL, sa, xxxx:
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:17 2002: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
> Request is ignored. Backing off f
> or 600 seconds
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:17 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:17 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD:
> Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at
> Radius/SqlDb.pm line 136.
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:17 2002: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
> DBI->connect dbi:Proxy:hostname=2
>;port=9991;dsn=dbi:ODBC:MSSQL, sa,xxxxx:
> Mon Feb 25 20:40:17 2002: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
> Request is ignored. Backing off f
> or 600 seconds
> Snippet From Config File
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> <Handler>
> <AuthBy EMERALD>
> # Change DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth for your database
> # See the reference manual
> CaseInsensitivePasswords
> DBSource dbi:Proxy:hostname=;port=9991;dsn=dbi:ODBC:MSSQL
> # Default username and password for Platypus
> DBUsername sa
> DBAuth xxxxx
> # Typical username and password for Emerald. Make

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