Stephen Davies stephen at brightonline.com.au
Mon Feb 25 00:33:54 CST 2002

Hello all,

Can some please explain how I can stop Radiator checking for DEFAULT after getting a reject.

I have two LDAP2 Authby's in my Realm with an AuthbyPolicy of ContinueUntilAccepted. Each AuthBy checks a different part of the LDAP directory tree.

In my radius debugging I get the following for users that are matched in the first AuthBy.

Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=brightonline.com.au'
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to bright
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: BrightSession Deleting session for bright,, 20971523
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: Customers
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: INFO: Connecting to ldap.brightonline.com.au, port 389
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=xxx,dc=brightonline,dc=com,dc=au, XXX(server ldap.brightonline.com.au:389)
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for uid=bright, ou=Customers, ou=People, dc=brightonline, dc=com, dc=au
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with bright
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Mon Feb 25 14:08:27 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for bright

But if the user exists in the second entry an additional check is made for DEFAULT. This is a waste of traffic and resources which I dont wont.

Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=brightonline.com.au'
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to dbrown
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: BrightSession Deleting session for dbrown,, 1234
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: Customers
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Connecting to ldap.brightonline.com.au, port 389
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=xxx,dc=brightonline,dc=com,dc=au, XXX (server ldap.brightonline.com.au:389)
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: No entries for dbrown found in LDAP database
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with dbrown
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Connecting to ldap.brightonline.com.au, port 389
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=xxx,dc=brightonline,dc=com,dc=au, XXX (server ldap.brightonline.com.au:389)
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: No entries for DEFAULT found in LDAP database
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: Brighteam
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Connecting to ldap.brightonline.com.au, port 389
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=xxx,dc=brightonline,dc=com,dc=au, XXX (server ldap.brightonline.com.au:389)
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for uid=dbrown, ou=Brighteam, ou=Administration, ou=People, dc=brightonline, dc=com, dc=au
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with dbrown
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Mon Feb 25 14:07:05 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for dbrown

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Davies
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