(RADIATOR) How to limit users

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Feb 14 18:12:33 CST 2002

Hello Nir -

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 19:55, nir cohen wrote:
> Hi
> I need to limit some users for surfing a 100 hours per month.
> I need that all the sessions they open all together per month
> will be 100 hours .
> Do you know How should I do it?

You will need an SQL database to maintain a "TIMELEFT" column and an AuthBy 
SQL that returns a "Session-Timeout ..." in the Access-Accept and deducts the 
actual time used from the TIMELEFT after each accounting stop.

There are examples in the manual and in the "goodies" directory.

This topic has also been discussed many times on the mailing list:




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