(RADIATOR) weird portmaster 25 problem

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Feb 14 17:29:50 CST 2002

Hello Jamie -

> I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help, but here goes.  About a week
> ago all of our PM25s (10 of them) starting behaving weirdly.  When a user
> tries to dial up the radius authentication seems to work correctly, but
> the PPP session never actually begins (see show session, and modem call
> output below).  I wouldn't even post anything here except that, the only
> way we can get the problem to go away is to quit using radius to
> authenticate the connection.  If we add the user and password to the local
> user table on the PM25 then this problem doesn't occur.  I don't really
> think radius is at fault, I have just exhausted all of avenues and was
> hoping someone might have some insight.
> We originally had been using radiator 2.17.1 and it had been running
> smoothly for about a year.  I have tried upgrading to 2.19, which has made
> no difference.  We have also tried ComOS 3.3.3, 3.5, and 3.7.2.  We do not
> have enough memory to try 3.9.
> Output from show session
> Port User          Host/Inet/Dest   Type    Dir Status      Start   Idle
> ---- ------------- ---------------- ------- --- ----------- -----   ----
> S0   -             world            Login   In  USERNAME        0      0
> S1   mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> S2   mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> S3   mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> ....
> S21  mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> S22  mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> S23  mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> S24  mertest1.ppp  -                Netwrk  In  CONNECTING      0      0
> And when you connect with a modem this is what is seen
> atdt2530202
> You've reached Evansville Online! (oc-nas-03)
> login:mertest1.ppp
> Password:
> PPP session from ( to beginning....
> After the '....' it should begin putting out the PPP characters, but it
> just hangs at the '....' indefinitely.
> Like I said I'm not sure that anyone will be able to help, but if you can,
> I sure would be grateful.

This is possibly a problem with radius reply attributes. Can you send me a 
copy of your configuration file and a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing 
what is happening?



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