(RADIATOR) AuthByPolicy question

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Dec 30 15:17:13 CST 2002

Hello Marius -

You would use an AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept.


# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier CheckSQL1

<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier CheckSQL2

<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier CheckSQL3


# define Realms or Handlers

<Handler ...>
	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
	AuthBy CheckSQL1
	AuthBy CheckSQL2
	AuthBy CheckSQL3




On Monday, Dec 30, 2002, at 21:02 Australia/Melbourne,  
MStefan at enertel.nl wrote:

> Hi
> I have a question about AuthbyPolicy function
> Supposing that we would like to use AuthByPolicy x and we have multiple
> AuthBySql (1,2 3) after that ,each one with an AuthSelect attached to  
> it
> that has check and reply items.
> I want to accept the call only when all AuthBySql are accepted/passed  
> and
> when this is happening  I would like to bundle all three reply items  
> in just
> one that will be sent to the NAS
> What AuthByPolicy function I should use? If it's not possible with
> AuthByPolicy function can you propose a workaround/solution?
> Thanks in advance
> PS.I am investigating your product as a possible solution for our modem
> environment
> Kind Regards
> Marius Stefan
> Service Designer/Development Department
> Enertel N.V
> K.P van der Mandelelaan 130-144
> 3062 MB Rotterdam
> Postbus 25226
> 3001 HE Rotterdam
> Phone:+31(0)10 880 3798
> Fax    :+31(0)10 880 3901
> Mobile:+31(0)65 460 4973
> www.enertel.nl
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