(RADIATOR) AuthPort & Cisco Questions

Gordon Smith gordons at morenet.net.nz
Tue Dec 17 23:24:35 CST 2002

Hi Marcel,

If they can't even do a password recovery, there could also be issues
with the 5300.
I've never seen one so hosed that you couldn't get into rommon.

FYI, this is how to reset one:

1. Plug in on the console, then switch it off, then back on.
2. In the first 60 sec, send a "Break" (I use secure crt & just bind it
to a function key)
3. You'll get a rommon 1> prompt
4. type "confreg 0x2142
5. type "reset"

Router will reboot and ignore its config i.e. boots with all defaults

6. Once booted, you'll be at Router> prompt. Type "en" (no password
7. type "copy start run" (loads the original config)
8. type "conf t"
9. type "enable secret ######" where #### is the password you want to
10. for each interface used, enter "no shut"
11. type "confreg 0x2102"
12. hit CTRL-Z (exits config)
13. type "wr mem" - saves new config

Thats it - all done  :-)

For checking radius on it, "term mon" & "deb radius" are very useful..


Gordon Smith  CCNA
Network Operations Manager

MoreNet Ltd

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