(RADIATOR) how to authenticate from /etc/shadow

Muhammad Talha talha at worldcall.net.pk
Sun Dec 15 15:31:08 CST 2002


i want to authenticate users from /etc/shadow  on my solaris sparc machine and i am aslo using other authentication method i.e oracle 
and i want to use both methods at same time . my radius cfg file is aslo follows 

<AuthBy UNIX>
        Filename /etc/shadow
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
    <AuthBy SQL>

        # Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB^M
        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=
        DBUsername      isp
        DBAuth              isp56552

 but when i run the following command . 

bash# ./radpwtst -user test -password test786  -noacct
sending Access-Request...

and radius trace 4 log show the following 

Mon Dec 16 02:25:36 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with test
Mon Dec 16 02:25:36 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: Bad Encrypted password
Mon Dec 16 02:25:36 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select PASSWORD,CallingStationId,Serv
ss,SessionTimeout,TimeDuration, PoolHint  from TblUserLogin where Active=1 and
LoginName='DEFAULT' and (NASIPAddress='' or NASIPAddress is null)

Mon Dec 16 02:25:36 2002: INFO: Access rejected for test: Bad Encrypted passwor
Mon Dec 16 02:25:36 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 35683 ....
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: 201
Authentic:  1234567890123456
        Reply-Message = "Bad Encrypted password"

i think its is not going to AUTH UNIX how can i correct this and make this work 
please guide me in this regard


Muhammad Talha 

WorldCall Dot Com

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