(RADIATOR) Apache authentication problem

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Fri Aug 30 12:59:47 CDT 2002

> I want to authenticate the apache users with Radiator, I've installed:
>    Radiator 3.1
>    mod_auth_radius-1.5.2
>    apache1.3.19-5
> when I try to connect to my web site, apache show me the popup for the
> radius authentication, I fill a valid radius username but the
> authentication failed, on the radius log there is a "bad 
> password" error,
> but the password is right.
> Someone have any idea ???

I just looked at this and wanted to check it out for myself, so I
managed to download it, install it and get it to work for the first

The main thing I would look at in your case is to make sure that the
secrets match in your httpd.conf and in your Radiator configuration for
the client.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at inoc.net

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