(RADIATOR) getting user information running AuthBy Test

Zack W. Kneisley Zack at 638online.com
Wed Aug 14 20:30:01 CDT 2002

Basicly I want to use AuthBy SQL using the MySql Db that I created using
the .sql file in the goodies dir if the username isn't there I want it
to be created with the password they used, thus creating their record so
then next time they log on it will be challenged. I'm not sure where I
was going with authby Test (long day)


Hello Zack -

I am not quite sure what you mean below, could you give me a few more 
details on what you want to do with the AuthBy TEST?

For your second question, the ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD is a UNIX encrypted 
password. Other forms of encryption are supported with prefixes as 
described in sections 13.1.1 and 13.1.2 in the Radiator reference manual




On Thursday, August 15, 2002, at 03:55 AM, Zack W. Kneisley wrote:

> I'm currently using a windows2000 IAS server for our radius, but am
> Going to be using radiator soon.. I know I can have Radiator
> authenticate Using AuthBy ADSI to my domain controler, But I want to
> move this to a MySQL db for authentication. Because Win2000 does not
> allow passwords to be exported, I would like to use AuthBy Test and
> the user records automatically created. How can this be done? I also
> have another question, How are the ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD field in the
> Db created? I'm a new user to radiator so please bear with me.

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