(RADIATOR) Expirations more granular than one day

Allen Marsalis am at shreve.net
Fri Aug 9 23:03:35 CDT 2002

Thanks much Hugh!  I'll give that a whirl..  I doubt my RADIUS
client (NoCatAuth) will accept the reply attribute.  FWIW,
it re-authenticates every 8 minutes so once the user
tries to re-authenticate after expiration, no más packets.. :)

Last may I ask what unit or format EXPIRY is?  I'm thinking
that Epoch time or some date/timestamp format would be nice..
What timelocal format does AuthSelect use or expect in EXPIRY?

am at shreve.net

At 12:56 PM 8/10/2002 +1000, Hugh Irvine wrote:
 >Hello Allen -
 >It sounds like you need an EXPIRY field in your database, and an
 >AuthSelect query that checks to make sure that the current time is less
 >than the EXPIRY. For completeness you should probably also return a
 >Session-Timeout that is set to the difference between the current time
 >and the EXPIRY.
 >On Saturday, August 10, 2002, at 12:30 PM, Allen Marsalis wrote:
 >> Maybe I'm thinking too hard and should just describe what I want
 >> to do which is pretty simple.  I would like to authenticate users
 >> for a time period which will deny authentication after the expiration
 >> period elapses..  The period will be 1 hours from current time,
 >> 24 hours from current time, or one month (approx 744 hours) from
 >> current time.  That's it.  Can someone point me in the right
 >> direction regarding exactly what attribute would be best for this?
 >> I do not wish to disconnect the user but rather just not allow
 >> a re-authentication after 1 hour, 1 day, or one month..
 >> Allen
 >> am at shreve.net
 >> At 05:40 PM 8/9/2002 +1000, Hugh Irvine wrote:
 >> >
 >> >Hello Allen -
 >> >
 >> >You should probably use Session-Timeout attributes to limit the
 >> >connections.
 >> >
 >> >regards
 >> >
 >> >Hugh
 >> >
 >> >
 >> >On Friday, August 9, 2002, at 08:59 AM, Allen Marsalis wrote:
 >> >
 >> >> Hi,
 >> >>
 >> >> I'm wanting to create accounts for wireless hotspots that
 >> >> might expire after 30 min. or some interval that is measured
 >> >> in minutes or hours rather than days..
 >> >>
 >> >> I looked at some RADIUS dictionaries and "expiration" is
 >> >> of type "date"..  What is the best way to implement a
 >> >> policy such as this with Radiator?  Does "date" include
 >> >> epoch time?  i.e. expiration=920000000  Will this work?
 >> >> Is it the best approach?
 >> >>
 >> >> Thanks,
 >> >>
 >> >> Allen
 >> >> am at shreve.net
 >> >>
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