(RADIATOR) Issue with restartWrapper

Marc Liyanage mliyanage at futurelab.ch
Fri Aug 9 10:56:29 CDT 2002

Hi there,

I have an issue with restartWrapper. I want to use it like this:

     restartWrapper -mail blah at blah.ch -delay 5 /usr/bin/radiusd 
-config_file /etc/radiator/radius.cfg

Problem is, GetOpt seems to reject the command because of the unknown 
(to restartWrapper) option -config_file. Is there a way around this? 
restartWrapper is useless like this for us...

Another issue: It has "#!/usr/local/bin/perl" in the interpreter line 
at the start. IMHO, this should be "#!/usr/bin/perl", like e.g. radiusd 
itself, or "#!/usr/bin/env perl".



Marc Liyanage                                        futureLAB AG

                                          phone:  +41 52 260 22 10
mliyanage at futurelab.ch                   fax:    +41 52 260 22 23
http://www.futurelab.ch                  mobile: +41 76 554 22 10

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