Anthony D Cennami acennami at netscape.net
Thu Apr 18 18:13:09 CDT 2002

I have solved the problem.  The issue resulted from an erroneous line in 
the aaa authorization config on my cisco's (along with my rusty 
knowledge of RADIUS)

Thanks for your help everybody.


hugh at open.com.au wrote:

> Hello Anthony -
> I will need to see a copy of your configuration file (no secrets) together 
> with a trace 4 debug showing both scenarios described below.
> regards
> Hugh
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 00:58, Anthony D Cennami wrote:
>>I seem to be having a problem with a Cisco 5300 / Radiator config.
>>If I hardcode an IP address into the users file (<AuthBy FILE>) all
>>seems to work well.  However, if I leave no IP address and attempt to
>>use the <AuthBy DYNADDRESS> following the AuthBy FILE, debug reports a
>>successful authentication and shows that an IP address was successfully
>>assigned, but the Cisco/Windows DialUp claims authentication failed and
>>closes the connection.
>>Is there a simple/known configuration on Radiator/Cisco that I am simply
>>Any insight is appreciated.
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