(RADIATOR) Logging Infinite Loop?

Steve Brown steve at neteze.com
Tue Apr 16 18:13:14 CDT 2002

Interesting thing happened today. When I enable <Log EMERALD> and the
following ERR comes up:
Tue Apr 16 13:55:41 2002: ERR: do failed for 'update ServerPorts set
Username='adm', AcctSessionId='adm15375', AcctStatusType= case 'Start'
en 'Start' then 1 when 'Stop' then 2 else 3 end, CallDate=getdate(),
FramedAddress='', CallerId='', ConnectInfo='', ConnectionSpeed='',
tionType='', ModemTrainingTime=, ChassisCallSlot=, ChassisCallChannel=,
DisconnectReason='', AccountTermCause='' where ServerID=(select Server
ID from Servers where IPAddress='AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD') and Port=0':
It proceeds to try to log (via Perl, FreeTDS, SyBase) - then the insert
fails, so it logs that. The problem appears to be a failed insert
returns more data, and then it tries logging the error via Log EMERALD,
which returns even more data, then it tries to log that, and so on and
so on and so on . until you kill -9 the server before it chews up all
your RAM and slams the box to a halt.
I think it has something to do with the single quotes.
BTW, that ERR is perfectly acceptable - the AcctSQLStatement works just
fine when someone dials in, it is only a problem when adm logs into the
console which I don't care about (well, I do . but oh well)
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