(RADIATOR) SNMP possible error

Rolando Riley rriley at ayayai.com
Mon Apr 15 13:26:57 CDT 2002

I am receiving this errors from Radiator when I hup radius.  Why is it
failing to find mycomunity?.
Bellow of the mail is my Client definition where I define it.

Your program

   /usr/local/radius/radiusd  -config_file
/usr/local/radius/radius.cfg -foreground

exited unexpectedly with exit status 0,
signal number 0 and dump indication 0.

The STDERR output was mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not
found: mib-2 -> mycomunity)
mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: mib-2 ->
mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: mib-2 ->
mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: mib-2 ->
mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: mib-2 ->
mycomunity: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: mib-2 ->

The program will be restarted again by /usr/local/bin/restartWrapper in 2


<Client xx.xx.xx.xx>
        Secret  xxxxx
        DupInterval 0
        NasType Hiper
        SNMPCommunity  mycomunity
        IdenticalClients xx.xx.xx.xx


This mail message was automatically generated by restartWrapper,
part of the OSC Radiator package.
Ing. Rolando Riley
Gerente de Sistemas
Tel: (507) 265-2424 ext. 408

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