(RADIATOR) Account status field

Ronan Eckelberry radiator at gowebco.com
Mon Apr 8 16:37:49 CDT 2002

	I'm not sure....I looked in the <AuthLog FILE> section of the
manual before, and didn't really see a way to do it.  On mine, if they
fail, it just gives the reason of "No such user".  This is because of
the AuthByPolicy I am using.  Radiator inserts into the log the reason
it gets from the last AuthBy it comes across.  You can try this....not
sure if it will work for you though.  If not, you can always change your
AuthBy or go to Handlers if you are using Realms.  Here is what I am

<AuthLog FILE>
        Identifier AuthLog
        Filename %L/authlog
        LogSuccess 0
        LogFailure 1
        SuccessFormat %l:%U:%P:OK:%1:%{Calling-Station-Id}
        FailureFormat %l:%U:%P:FAIL:%1:%{Calling-Station-Id}

	It puts an entry into the log file like this:

Mon Apr 8 10:05:25 2002:someuser:somepassword:FAIL:No such

	Like I said, I get the "No Such User" for my FAIL reason because
of the way my AuthByPolicy is setup, but you may get different

Hope this help a little.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Malenshek [mailto:stephen at valuelinx.net] 
Sent: Monday, 08 April, 2002 13:04
To: 'Ronan Eckelberry'; radiator at open.com.au
Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Account status field

That is exactly it....  How well does it work, and can we take it one
step further with the following:

In the radius.cfg file, I have the following statements:

    <AuthLog FILE>
                Identifier logger
                Filename %L/%m%Y-radius.log
                SuccessFormat %l: Auth: Login OK: [%u(%U)] (from %C)
                FailureFormat %l: Auth: Login Failure: [%u/%P(%U/%P)]
(from %C)
                LogSuccess 1
                LogFailure 1
                AuthLog logger

If it comes to an entry that it shows to be a suspended or "0" code
account, can it make an entry into the logfile I have created besides
the Failure entry.  Maybe it to say that the account actually shows to
be suspended because of the entry in the Active field?  Just a
thought.....  Thanks again.

Stephen Malenshek
Valuelinx Corporation
stephen at valuelinx.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronan Eckelberry [mailto:radiator at gowebco.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 11:58 AM
To: 'Stephen Malenshek'; radiator at open.com.au
Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Account status field


	Try changing your AuthSelect.  I do basically what you are
saying by adding "AND ACTIVE='Y'".  In your case it would be something
like "AND status='1'"

Here is my AuthSelect:


	Is that kinda like what you are looking for?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-radiator at open.com.au [mailto:owner-radiator at open.com.au] On
Behalf Of Stephen Malenshek
Sent: Monday, 08 April, 2002 11:24
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: (RADIATOR) Account status field

Is there a way to make radiator look at an additional field to see if
the account is in a suspended or valid state.  For instance, I have a
postgres database with the following fields:

radius=# \d subscribers
               Table "subscribers"
  Attribute   |          Type          | Modifier 
 username     | character varying(50)  | not null
 realname     | character varying(50)  | 
 passwd       | character varying(50)  | 
 epasswd      | character varying(50)  | 
 uid          | integer                | 
 gid          | integer                | 
 homedir      | character varying(90)  | 
 huntgroup    | character varying(30)  | 
 staticip     | character varying(22)  | 
 shell        | character varying(50)  | 
 checkattr    | character varying(200) | 
 replyattr    | character varying(200) | 
 mailonlyacct | character varying(10)  | 
 status       | character varying(30)  | 
Indices: subscribers_pkey,

If an account request comes in and the username and epassword fields
show to be the correct information, how could we get the software to
check and see if the status field shows a 0 or 1.  The 0 would be
suspended and 1 would be active, or something to that effect.  Please
let me know what your thoughts are.  Thanks

Stephen Malenshek
Valuelinx Corporation
stephen at valuelinx.net

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