(RADIATOR) Re: Time Check item

ImpactNET - Edgar R Gutierrez egutierrez at impactnet.com
Tue Sep 25 19:43:18 CDT 2001

To Radiator Gurus :)

I am currently using the Time Check item to block access to some users for a certain period of time. To allow access anytime, I have set  the time check item to Al0000-2359. Unfortunately, when the user logs on  after 23:59 say 23:59:01, RADIATOR won't allow access.

RADIATOR produces the following log:

Tue Sep 25 23:59:24 2001: INFO: Access rejected for radiator: Time: not within a
n allowable Time range

How could I set the TIME check item so that user will be allowed access anytime.  Currently the TIME check item is stored in a mYSQL table which radiator queries to authenticate users.  I have tried leaving the field blank, but authentication fails.

Any ideas on how I can go about this.


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