(RADIATOR) using stored procedures...

Mariano Absatz radiator at lists.com.ar
Mon Sep 24 14:37:10 CDT 2001

Hi there...

I am wondering... is there any way to replace queries in the config file with 
calls to stored procedures _with_detached_parameters_?

That is, I want to say, for instance, instead of:


FailureQuery BEGIN SP_INSERT_AUTH_LOG (:1,:2); END \
  <PARAMLIST> %t,'%n','%P','%1' </PARAMLIST>

I don't know what syntax to use, but the parameters should be a Perl array 
passed (by reference) to prepare() as the second argument.

Maybe even use prepare_cached()?

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0 

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