(RADIATOR) Auth by Sybase vs. flat file

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Sep 20 19:05:19 CDT 2001

Hello Andrew -

I am afraid I don't understand how the two radiator hosts are going to 
operate. If both are going to use an AuthBy FILE, then they will both need a 
copy of the users file. Also, if you do not use the AuthBy RODOPI clause in 
your configuration, the accounting details will not get posted to the 

The advantage of using an AuthBy RODOPI clause is that you can make changes 
in the database and radiator will see them straight away - there is no need 
to dump the users to a flat file and move the file around. The AuthBy RODOPI 
also writes the accounting details directly to the database, again no need to 
mess around with detail files, uploads and downloads and database updates.



On Friday 21 September 2001 06:45, Andrew Kaplan wrote:
> As I mentioned in my previous post. I plan to move my NAS server (Total
> Control) to a colo facility and maintain my Rodopi box at my main facility.
> I plan to move my radiator server to the colo facility and rem out the
> first section that does <AuthBy RODOPI> and just us <AuthBy FILE>. A second
> radiator box will be set up as a secondary auth server and use a cronjob to
> get a copy of the auth file name. I assume this will work and Rodopi will
> still get the accounting information to maintain time on line activity.
> What's the advantage of using <AuthBy RODOPI> over <AuthBy FILE>.
> <Realm cshore.com>
> #	AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
> 	AcctLogFileName %L/%Y/%m/%d-details
>         <AuthBy RODOPI>
>                 DBSource        dbi:Sybase:server=AbacBill
>                 DBUsername      rodopi
>                 DBAuth          rodopi
>         </AuthBy>
> 	<AuthBy FILE>
> 		Filename /etc/acctmgr/users
> 	</AuthBy>
> </Realm>
> <SessionDatabase SQL>
> 	DBSource dbi:mysql:Radius
> 	DBUsername Radius
> 	DBAuth KnubbyDo
> 	AddQuery \
> 		insert into Sessions (UserName, NASIdent, NASPort, \
> 		SessionID, TimeStamp, FramedIPAddress, NASPortType, \
> 		ServiceType) values ('%n', '%N', %{NAS-Port}, \
> 		'%{Acct-Session-Id}', %{Timestamp}, '%{Framed-Address}', \
> 		'%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Service-Type}')
>         DeleteQuery \
> 		delete from Sessions where Username='%n' and \
> 	NASIdent='%N' and NASPort=%{NAS-Port}
>        ClearNasQuery \
> 		delete from Sessions where NASIdent='%N'
>         CountQuery \
> 		select NASIdent, NASPort, SessionID from Sessions \
> 		where Username='%n'
> </SessionDatabase>
> Andrew P. Kaplan
> Network Administrator
> CyberShore, Inc.
> http://www.cshore.com
> "I couldn't give him advice in business and he couldn't give me
> advice in technology." --Linus Torvalds, about why he wouldn't
> be interested in meeting Bill Gates.
> ===
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