Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Sep 10 19:51:45 CDT 2001

Hello Jesus -

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 10:25, Jesus Duarte wrote:
> Hello all,
> 	I am looking to grab the Called-Station-ID attribute and compare
> it to Called-Station-ID in my users table before it passes on to password
> authentication.  If the users table entry does not match, there should be
> no authentication.  If there is a match or the entry is null, then the
> password should be checked and on as before.
> 	Does anyone have a clue as to where I can look for the answer?  Or
> better yet, does anyone have the answer?

You would use an AuthSelect staement with a simple AuthAttrDef.

Something like this:

	<AuthBy SQL>
		DBSource ....
		DBUsername .....
		DBAuth .....
			where USERNAME = '%n'
		AuthColumnDef 0, Password, check
		AuthColumnDef 1, Called-Station-Id, check

Have a look at section 6.28 in the Radiator 2.18.4 reference manual.



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