Quintin Lam wtlam at macau.ctm.net
Thu Sep 6 10:37:58 CDT 2001

Hi Hugh,

I can <AuthBy External> and generate a "reply message" by an external
program if access failure.

The configuration file:
<AuthLog FILE>
        Identifier authlog
        Filename %L/authlog
        LogSuccess 0
        LogFailure 1
        FailureFormat %l:%U:%{Reply:Reply-Message}:FAIL

Trace Record
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: 141
Authentic:  1234567890123456
        Reply-Message = "Duplicated Login Attempt"
        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"

I know that I can use <AuthBy FILE> auth-Type="reject: xxxx". However, I am
using LDAP authentication method, how to generate the reply message if
password is not correct?



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