(RADIATOR) 2.18.3 & EAP

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Mon Sep 3 06:57:27 CDT 2001

Hello Mark,

If you set the EAPType parameter in the AuthBy clause to something like 
'notpermitted', it will reject EAP authentication requests.

<AuthBy FILE>
	Filename xxx
	# Prevent authentication of any EAP requests
	EAPType notpermitted

There is no way with configuration to prevent proxying of EAP requests. You 
would have to do that with a hook.

Hope that helps.

On 1 Sep 2001, at 11:05, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> There is nothing to configure.
> Radiator will handle the proxying and challenge/response automatically.

So, for example, the only way to ensure that Radiator would *not* respond to 
an EAP challenge is to run a version 2.18.2 or below?

I was hoping there'd be a way to set a specific realm as capable of handling 
EAP authentications and disabling that functionality in other realms via the 
config file.

It'd also be nice to get an idea of what manufacturers implementations of EAP 
Radiator is now compatible with - i.e. following Mike's 'open letter' about 
Cisco policy on releasing specs it's for lightweight EAP, do these new 
features support LEAP challenges?


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