(RADIATOR) Can anyone help me?

Mohammad Tawrit tawrit at bttb.net.bd
Sun Oct 28 20:50:07 CST 2001

Dear Sir,

Can anybody help me?

When I am giving my CGI script the following permission it works fine:

radacct.cgi        root        root    rwxr_xr_x

It works fine. But I don't want to give read permission for others. and the problem is the following permission gives "Internal Server Error" message.

radacct.cgi        root        root    rwxr_x__x

for your information my Web Server user name is: nobody and group is: nogroup.

Should I always give read permission to my CGI scripts for them to get executed. Can My database password get leakaged in that case?

I am trying to consult many books including Radiator Guide with no result. Thanks in advance for anybody who can help me.
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