(RADIATOR) added to list?

Mark Russell mark at mark.net.au
Mon Oct 22 03:18:23 CDT 2001

I seem to have been added to a mail list. Can I be removed NOW please.

Mark Russell                                           61 + 2 + 9699 3837
business:mark at isp.net.au                            http://www.isp.net.au
personal:mark at mark.net.au                          http://www.mark.net.au
plaything:mark at sux.com                                 http://www.sux.com
                    The Geek shall inherit the earth

If we have received your email in error then it's your fault. I have now
paid for it so I can do what the hell I like with it, this includes
publishing on the web, giving it to journos or any media person.

If you dont like this tough

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