Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Oct 17 18:30:59 CDT 2001

Hello Gabriela -

On Thursday 18 October 2001 00:13, Gabriela Barsotti wrote:
> I have a radiator working in my office, I have differents types of
> customers who are using the radiator. I´m having some problems with the
> customers who use IPASS CONECTOR, they began with the connection but never
> send the stop command to my radius. This stuff produce an connection error
> to my customers the next time they try to connect again because my radius
> checks if the customer tries to connect more than 1 time.

The first thing to do is run Radiator with a trace 4 debug to verify that you 
are not getting the stop records from IPASS. If this is indeed the case, you 
will need to contact IPASS and report the problem, as there is nothing you 
can do in Radiator to fix the problem.

One way to get around the problem may be to use a NasType of "Ping" in the 
Client clause for the IPASS proxy, but you will have to do some tests to 
ascertain whether it helps or not.



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