(RADIATOR) Email only access

John Coy jcoy at anc.net
Mon Oct 15 16:26:08 CDT 2001

I'm assuming that this is a problem for you because you share your UNIX 
password files between your RADIUS server and your e-mail server.  That 
being the case, here's how I handled it before I switched to SQL 
authentication for RADIUS.

I set usernames that are e-mail only to be in a different UNIX group.  I 
then used the group as a RADIUS check item (which Radiator can do quite 

Unfortunately I don't have a sample configuration since I no longer do 
this.  It's pretty straight-forward, however.


> Does anyone know how I can limit a dial-up account to email only
> access?
> I'm using USR HyperARC chassis if that helps...

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