(RADIATOR) radmon.sh does not restart radiator when run as cronjob

Andrew Kaplan noc at cshore.com
Tue Oct 2 07:14:44 CDT 2001

I can't get radmon.sh to restart radiator when run as a cronjob. The script
runs correctly from a command line. Yet when run as a cronjob it fails to
restart radiator. It sends email so I know the script is run. I'm using
Debian 2.2


ADMIN="emergency at cshore.com"

/bin/ps axwwww | grep radiusd | grep -v "grep" > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        /etc/init.d/radiator restart > /dev/null 2>&1
        echo "Radius restarted on Mozart" | Mail -s "Radius for ${HOSTNAME}
arted!" ${ADMIN}

Andrew P. Kaplan
Network Administrator
CyberShore, Inc.

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