(RADIATOR) PreClientHook

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Oct 1 19:01:56 CDT 2001

Hello Michael -

I don't think that a PreClientHook is the right way to go about this.

If you are going to keep the number matrix in a database, it is probably 
easiest to just use two AuthBy SQL clauses - the first one to check the 
numbers and the second one to check the users.



On Monday 01 October 2001 21:42, Michael wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to work out how to use the PreClientHook to check that the
> customer
> is dialling the correct number, the idea being to prevent them accidentally
> dialling
> the wrong number and incurring hefty call charges.
> here is what I am thinking of (I know bugger all about Perl).
> #Perl Script
> my $dialled = ${$_[0]}->get_attr(`Called-Station-Id');
> my $callfrom = ${$_[0]}->get_attr(`Calling-Station-Id');
> #Compare numbers to list and allow or deny logon
> The way I was thinking to do this would be to have a file that is named as
> the dial
> up number for the region.
> So we would have a buch of files named the number the customer should
> call. So the script could simply go and check in a file called $dialled for
> a
> partial number $callfrom (first 4 digits) if it is not there deny logon and
> log it. This
> should make it easy to add more dial up locations later. If we go into a
> new area
> we simply need more files named for $dialled.
> Would this work? What does the script need to return to prevent or allow
> logon?
> Michael
> ===
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