(RADIATOR) AuthByPolicy question

Toni Riekkinen toni.riekkinen at raketti.net
Mon Oct 1 04:11:03 CDT 2001

I have the following situation:

<AuthBy SQL>
        Identifier              Auth-SQL

<AuthBy SQL>
        Identifier              Acct-SQL

<AuthBy FILE>
        Identifier              Auth-File

        AuthByPolicy            ContinueAlways
        AuthBy                  Acct-SQL
        AuthBy                  Auth-SQL
#        AuthBy                  Auth-File

I'd like to improve this Realm with a flat file authentication. So that _IF_
connection to Auth-SQL database fails (I have different database in auth and
acct), we would fall back to a flat file as our last change. I can't use
ContinueAlways anymore, right?

I tried for example ContinueUntilReject, because thought it would have been
the solution (though that if we can't connect into database, it would
continue to file), but for some reason it don't seem to work. What
AuthByPolicy method should I use?


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