Attribute number 79 is not defined in your dictionary
Dejan Tanasijevic
Wed Nov 21 08:15:04 CST 2001
I installed Radiator-2.19 instead of Radiator-2.18.2 and after that I
got error in log file
Wed Nov 21 13:37:03 2001: ERR: Attribute number 79 is not defined in
your dictionary
It seems to me that I have all attributes defined.
Authentification works fine but log is full of this messages
I use AuthBy NT, AuthBy SQL with 3Com Total Control. Here is also
detail log file and part of my radius.cfg config.
<<<<Trace 5 .log>>>>
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 79
Authentic: <254><128><12>']<150><27>Zw<190>2<241><18><236><143><156>
User-Name = "trayan"
User-Password =
NAS-IP-Address = Any
NAS-Port = 259
Acct-Session-Id = "8967"
USR-Interface-Index = 1515
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Chassis-Call-Slot = 2
Chassis-Call-Span = 2
Chassis-Call-Channel = 3
Calling-Station-Id = "13811"
Called-Station-Id = "2"
NAS-Port-Type = Async
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Query is: exec spCheck
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: ERR: Attribute number 79 is not defined in
your dictionary
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL ACCEPT:
Wed Nov 21 13:40:23 2001: DEBUG: Access accepted for trayan
<AuthBy SQL>
AuthSelect exec spCheck '%n','%{Calling-Station-Id}',0
AuthColumnDef 0,User-Name, check
AuthColumnDef 1,Session-Timeout, reply
AuthColumnDef 2,Log-Filter-Packet, reply
AuthColumnDef 3,IP-Address-Pool, reply
AuthColumnDef 4,Framed-IP-Address, reply
# My attr.
VENDORATTR 429 Log-Filter-Packet 0x9017 string
VENDORATTR 429 Chassis-Call-Slot 0x9019 integer
VENDORATTR 429 Chassis-Call-Span 0x901A integer
VENDORATTR 429 Chassis-Call-Channel 0x901B integer
VENDORATTR 429 Keypress-Timeout 0x901C integer
VENDORATTR 429 Unauthenticated-Time 0x901D integer
VENDORATTR 429 Connect-Speed 0x9023 integer
# My attr
VENDORATTR 429 IP-Address-Pool 0x9024 string
#VENDORATTR 429 Framed_IP_Address_Pool_Name 0x9024 string
# 0xBE5D-0xBE63 sent with Event-Id 79
VENDORATTR 429 Channel-Connected-To 0xBE5D integer
VENDORATTR 429 Slot-Connected-To 0xBE5E integer
VENDORATTR 429 Device-Connected-To 0xBE5F integer
VENDORATTR 429 NFAS-ID 0xBE60 integer
VENDORATTR 429 Q931-Call-Reference-Value 0xBE61 integer
VENDORATTR 429 Call-Event-Code 0xBE62 integer
VENDORATTR 429 DS0 0xBE63 integer
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